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- Arganmer Hair Hydrate Set Matu kopšanas komplekts
Arganmer Ultimate Hair Hydrate Set Contains:
- Arganmer Hydrating Shampoo, 250ml with pure Moroccan argan oil is suitable for all hair types.
Looking for the right shampoo that will not dry your hair? The Arganmer Moisturizing Shampoo thoroughly cleans, leaving natural hair grease. This is a great choice for protecting dry or dull hair and maintaining radiance.
- Arganmer Hydrating Conditioner, 250ml with pure Moroccan argan oil is suitable for all hair types.
Frequent dyeing, chemical treatments and hairstyles can damage your hair. This moisturizing Arganmer conditioner with argan oil, is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, is ideal to restore the shine of your hair, ensuring healthy, glossy and silky smooth finish.
- Arganmer Argan Oil Treatment, 60ml is an intensively moisturizing hair treatment with argan oil for all hair types.
This Arganmer Argan Oil Treatment will give your hair exceptional shine and glow. Ingredients enriched with Vitamin E, fatty acids and antioxidants. The product does not leave a greasy feeling, so the hair remains fluffy and light. Deeply penetrated argan oil ensures hair moisture and nourishment.Preces apraksts
- Preču zīme:Arganmer
- Kategorijā:
- Lietošana:Massage shampoo into wet hair and scalp. After that, gently towel-dry the hair. Apply conditioner and massage thoroughly. Leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse well with water. Distribute a small amount of oil on clean, towel-dried hair, from the middle of the hair to the tips. Dry hair naturally or with a hair-dryer. Style as usual.
Saistītas kategorijas
Rodyti daugiau - Vitamīni sievietēm
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